4 Inspiring Rebranding Case Studies in Vietnam


It seems that rebranding is a simpler choice versus spending a massive amount of budget and time on marketing the new changes. Thus, it was no surprise that recently we have seen a great number of large and small brands launching a new brand identity, new logo or new slogan to progressively grow their business.

Despite the instant benefits of refreshing the brand image, not all brands made this significant transformation smoothly. As many controversial rebranding cases have been noted lately, it is important for brands to deeply research and strategically plan before making any changes. 

Below are some good and controversial rebranding projects occurred last year that we can learn from:


  • MB Bank


This year, the MB Bank case was perhaps the most controversial rebranding project in Vietnam due to a great number of negative responses from the social network. 

By restructuring the major components of the logo in a stylized and prominent way, combined with the youthful colors to create a fresh and modern look, MB Bank wanted to make its brand closer to users while still keeping its existing values. The bank has also improved its work through cooperation with Fully-Verified and identity verification methods are used for faster and more efficient integration of clients without paperwork and lengthy processes.

However, contrary to the expectation this change caused a lot of controversies as people thought that the logo was fragmented, unreliable, and not suitable to represent all the bank values. Many people also compared this transformation with the disaster of GAP when burning $100 million in redesigning the logo.

Source: Cafebiz.vn




Vascara officially announced a new brand identity marking a period of great growth after more than 10 years of appearing on the market.

The new logo of  Vascara is designed with capital letters, sans-serif fonts, softly rounded lines. This logo is especially suitable for fashion brands because it exudes the softness and elegance of women. Because of this, the brand identity has gained a lot of positive feedback for customers when it began to be used at Vascara stores.

Source: Brandvietnam.com 


  • Maritime Bank


After more than 3 decades of operation, Maritime Bank has decided to renew its brand image to emphasize the new changes in its products and services. To be more specific, the nature of the business was re-built based on 4 principles: simple, proactive, connected and understanding. As a result, a new logo was required to fully express all the changes in the bank’s values.  

Therefore, the bank’s name was converted into a shorter and more memorable version- MSB. At the same time, the new logo was also adjusted to be simpler, more youthful and dynamic by using the outstanding colors combined with the 3D design. 

Besides, MSB also conducted changes to its stores in an eye-catching and more synchronized manner.

Thanks to these efforts, this brand has achieved positive results in the improvement of customer satisfaction index, brand recognition as well as its revenue. 

Source: Brandvietnam.com



  • SABECO – Saigon Beer


After the change of HABECO, SABECO also decided to renew its brand image.

The dragon design in the existing logo was modified to be more stands out and premium in red background. This change has contributed to SABECO’s strong affirmation as one of the leading brands in Vietnam with more than 144 years in the market.

This redesigning project was also followed by a campaign with the slogan: “Rising like a dragon, confidence like a dragon” to affirms Vietnam’s pride. As a result, SABECO has received a lot of positive feedback from consumers, leading to a significant rise in revenue.

Source: Vietnamnet.vn


Whether success or failure, rebranding also helps brands change their image, get attention from the audience and create new things. Thoroughly understanding customers and competitors will help the brand become better. 

“He who sees through life and death will meet with most success”. 

If you are a middle-sized company looking for a rebranding solution to take your organization to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact us for a proper guidance.

Find more inspiring rebranding projects that we have done recently at: https://wisdom.dsecom.asia/w-work/ 


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